Bancroft welcomes you!

Bancroft is a quiet community with approximately 390 residents. Our town lies in the midst of the Caribou Highlands, surrounded by beautiful mountain scenery and productive fields of grain and potatoes. We are proud of our town and want all who reside or visit here to feel of our warm country atmosphere.  

A few interesting facts about Bancroft

  • Bancroft sits at an elevation of 5420 feet above sea level.

  • Bancroft is a railroad town that lies on the historic route; old Highway 30

  • Bancroft was informally named after W. H. Bancroft the President and General Manager of the Oregon Short Line rail road company in 1892.

  • Official designation as Bancroft Village occurred on July 23rd 1898. Over time Bancroft was incorporated as a City on Feb. 18th, 1941.

The city sprang into existence when the Union Pacific Railroad came into the area around 1882. Mormon Settler Parley P. Willey was contracted to supply timber for the rail ties. Parley relocated a large saw mill from Chesterfield to Squaw Creek (now Bancroft.) With the mill came employment. Men from all around came to Squaw Creek to work. Over time the village grew in to what is now known as Bancroft. 

            Zone Map

Park Photos


Bancroft & Chesterfield Cemeteries
Jessica Hatch  208.339.0193
Mail Payments to:
2757 Hatch Loop E.
Bancroft, ID 83217   

Central Cemetery
Blaire Rindlisbaker  208.221.8661 

or Kyle Christensen 208.221.9266

Lund Cemetery
Gordon Yost  208.648.7886 

or Ken Christensen 208.547.7786

City of Bancroft, Idaho

2024 Elections
Elections are administered by the Caribou County Clerk's Office. For more information visit or Welcome to Caribou County, Idah

Utility Rate Increases Begin Nov 1, 2024

Road Closures
The city will resume construction of Airport rd. in the spring. Watch for update

MR&E Garbage Removal Service Contact: (208)547-4082

  • If a Federal Holiday falls on a Thursday garbage will be picked up the following day (Friday)
  • MR&E has requested that residents have their cans out by 8:00 am (pick up times will vary)
  • MR&E can refuse pick-up if garbage is not bagged, more than 2 feet above the lid, positioned too close to other objects  
  • Do not put hazardous waste, heavy or long materials in cans
  • If your garbage is not picked up by 5:00 pm on garbage day contact MR& directly
  • Garbage Truck Breakdowns often happen IN ROUTE due to hydraulics and other wear and tear-MR&E will send another truck out as soon as possible. 
  • Repairs are all handled directly by MR&E going forward per their request
  • MR&E askes for your patience as they deal with various unforeseen situations
Snow Removal 
Please remove vehicles, trailers, & other obstacles from city streets, alleys, and sidewalks for safe snow removal
Remember to drip faucets during freezing temperatures to prevent broken water pipes

Water Testing
Due to resident concerns the city had water testing done on 4/22/2024. The water tested clean and is safe for consumption.
Click the link below for results
Water Sample Results: 4/22/24

July 24th-Bancroft Pioneer Day Celebration

Parade 10:00 a.m.
Rodeo: 2:00 p.m.
Contact the following people for more information:  
Parade-Mark Priestley 208-648-7830
Rodeo-Nicole McLain 208-339-6475 

Vendors-Kathie Berry 208-648-7353
Facebook: Bancroft Pioneer Days 
Dog Fee Deadline-January 31st each year

In the event of a loss of power or communications becoming inoperable, residents are encouraged to have an FRS or GMRS radio.  
The County Radio Channel is 20 and the Tone is 8
Residents wanting more information can contact EMS Director, Eric Hobson at (209)547-2583 or Paul Gritton at (208)221-1224 
Facebook Page:  "208 Communicate"


Payments can be made using Debit, Credit, Checks, Cashier Checks, Cash, or Autopay set up with your bank or through the city website
The Fee for using a debit or credit card is 2.50 % (All fees go to the credit card company) 
Payments set up for Autopay will need an account number. Account numbers are on your monthly utility statement in 2 places 
Autopayments set up through your bank are mailed to the city in the form of a paper check. Allow for mailing time when setting up your payment schedule

Assistance for Utility Customers
Residents needing utility assistance with utilities can contact Idaho Department of Health and Welfare at (208) 232-1114 or visit:

Code Enforcement Reminders
-All dogs in the city limits must be licensed See City Code 5-3A-3

Snow Removal-Remove vehicles, garbage cans, & other obstacles from streets during heavy snowfall
Non-Running or Un-Licensed Vehicles are a violation of city code 6-3-2 and will be fined
*All code violations are subject to fines*